Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A year of firsts.

It has been a year of firsts for me. My life circumstances changed greatly in January.  I came home to a note on the island in the kitchen on a random Thursday night that would forever change my life. My husband had left. Since then I have been discovering what I want, learning what I am capable of, and living life.

I live fairly rural in small town America on a few acres. I have a couple of cows, a couple of goats and three dogs. In this year of firsts I am learning what the up keep on all of this entails. I have had a small handful of down moments, but I am really enjoying learning what I am capable of. I have changed not one, but two flat tires. I have dug a trench. I have built two fences, one of them electric. I have learned to use a weed whacker and changed out a window. I learned to use a chainsaw and I still have all of my fingers and toes, and I am counting the experience as a win.

I have also discovered one of the joys of living in a rural area, I am surrounded by people who care. My ninety year old neighbor comes over to check on me and make sure life is good. My other neighbor is always willing to teach me a new skill. My friends have rallied, we constantly get together, laugh and have fun. I have learned there is a world of people who want to see you do well in life. 

I no longer believe I need a Prince Charming to swoop in to rescue me. I would welcome a Charming Prince to come along side me, but I have discovered my life is great the way it is, and doesn't need rescuing. I have started to discover who I am, and what I am capable of, and I couldn't be more grateful. Life will continue to present firsts. I am looking forward to them with the belief that I can adapt to or conquer whatever is put before me, its a great feeling, and I am looking forward to a lifetime of firsts.

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